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Animation Production services
Golden Street Animation is one of the few animation companies that still provides traditional feature quality animation services as seen in such Disney classics as Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid and Lion King. We have an artist pool of over 200 employees who have many years of experience working on every media outlet from Feature films to Television series and commercials. See the quality of our work for yourself in the clips below and contact us today to discuss how we can be of service to you and your project.
Our latest animation reel (3 min.)
Hand drawn traditional animation is our specialty. We do all aspects of production.
All about Golden Street Animation
Aprox. 7 min. long
Our feature film work samples
"Heroes Verdederos" (10 min.)
Franky's 2D experiment
(2 min. long)
VAnimation & Drawing Excellence
DVD training series advertisement
(1 min.)
30 second animation reel
Call us today to discuss how we can bring your project to life.