Origin of Missionary TOONS
A letter from the artist:

Scott T. Petersen
Creater of Missionary TOONS
Dear Visitor,
I hope you enjoy these Missionary TOONS pictures. It’s been something that I’ve been just itching to do ever since I returned from my mission many years ago. I finally got around to doing it in the spring of 2008 and I've been working on them off and on ever since.
Let me tell you a little about where it started. I served in the Guatemala, Quetzaltenango mission from 90’ to 92’. Within my first few weeks there, my Zone Leaders took my companion and I aside and gave us a unique calling. They related their concern about the bad attitude of our Zone as a whole, and our assignment was to “uplift” the attitude of the Zone. One of them suggested that I use my drawing talent to make a picture to inspire faith. So as my trainer, Elder Lewis and I walked along doing our work, we talked about different ideas.

Elders Petersen & Lewis

I wanted to create something that was humorous but also based on a scriptural truths, or in other words, become sort of a symbol that would uplift and inspire at the same time. I remember kneeling down and asking in sincere prayer for help to do just that. So, after a week or so, the original Missionary Angels picture, based on D&C 84:88 was made (as seen below.)

Original Missionary Angels Picture drawn in June 1990
I really don’t know the effect it had on my Zone, but I sent it to a few friends in the MTC and from there it was photo copied and re-copied and literally sent all over the world. It was even, somehow put on T-shirts and posters and other things and sold in book stores without anyone asking me for permission. To this day, I still get people who say, “Oh, you’re the one who drew that picture?”
I have always wanted to do more of the same, but this time fully colored and more professional with many years of animation experience behind me. All of the pictures are based around two fictional missionary characters, Elders Greene and Pemberton. The first picture I decided to do, was a remake of that same Missionary Angels drawing from my mission, as pictured here.

New Missionary Angels picture released in May 2008 and Missionary TOONS product line launched, along with the start of Golden Street Animation company.
I have tried to keep the quality high and the content meaningful, that it might be a useful tool in promoting the principles of missionary work and the gospel. Some have a strong scriptural based message and others are just meant to uplift and be funny or just remind you of your own mission. I hope you enjoy them and follow us on facebook and other social media for updates and new creations. I get very little money making these but I want to continue to add more when I can because they are a way of expressing my own testimony that I know the church is true. I feel it in my heart every day and it becomes even more evident each time I accept callings and serve in the church and witness good works and divine intervention around me.
Brother Scott T. Petersen

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Various pictures of Elder Petersen serving in the Guatemala Quetzaltenango Mission 90' to 92'